If you have already registered, please enter your Reg No & Student Passport No below and click on 'Submit'. You will be able to generate your Application Form by clicking on 'Print' thereafter.

Reg. No:Passport No:


1. Registering online does not guarantee your child's admission or a seat.

2. This symbol * represents mandatory fields that must be completed. The form will not be submitted unless you do so.

3. Admission is subject to the availability of seat.

Fill in Capital letters.
Academic Year to which
admission sought:*
Upload Student Photo
(Maximum file Size 500KB)
First Name: *
As in passport

Middle Name: Father's Name as in Passport: *
In English Block Letters

Last Name:*
Name (Arabic) :
Nationality : *

Gender : *
Profession : *
Grade to which admission is sought: *
Nationality : *

Employer : *

Mother Tongue : *

P.O.Box :
Emirate : *
Religion : * Off. Tel :
Date of Birth : *

Resi. Tel :
Emirates ID No :
Place & Country of Birth : *

Mobile No : *

Passport No : *

Email ID for communication: *

Passport Issue Place : *
Passport Issue Date : *
Passport Expiry Date : *
Visa No :
Visa Isuue place :
Visa Isuue date :
Visa Expiry date :
Mother's Name as in Passport: *
In English Block Letters

Emirates Identity Card No :
Nationality : *

Address in the UAE : *
(In Detail)

Profession : *

Previous School : *

Employer : *
Location :
Curriculum : Emirates ID No :
Class Completed :*

P.O.Box :
Medium of Instruction :
Year Attended :
Second Language : *

Address in Home Country : *

Off. Tel :
Resi. Tel :
Mobile No : *

Home Country Telephone : *

Email : *

Siblings studying in this school
Name : Ad.No : Class & Div :
Name : Ad.No : Class & Div :
Name : Ad.No : Class & Div :
Speaking :  Reading :  Writing : 
Whether school transportation required : *
I drop off and pick up my ward : I live in the vicinity of the school : My ward travels to school by public vehicle :
Location Area : *
Address :
Please Upload below mentioned documents in PDF format (Color copies).
1.Passport copy (First Page+ Valid Visa page + Address Page).
2.Emirates ID copy (color copy-Both side).
3.Stamped Visa copy (color copy-Both side).
4.Birth Certificate (Attested): Student
5.Progress Report:
6.Original TC (Attested).
1. Upload Passport Copy:

Choose File and click Upload
2. Upload EmiratesID Copy:

Choose File and click Upload
3. Stamped Visa :

Choose File and click Upload
4. Birth Certificate:

Choose File and click Upload
5. Progress Report:

Choose File and click Upload
6. Original TC (Attested):

Choose File and click Upload